We are Team GB's official travel company, providing exclusive access to official Team GB ticket-inclusive packages and events

Choosing the right hotel to go with your Tokyo 2020 package is one of the most exciting parts.

But it needs to be done right to make sure you get the best possible experience. From the right location, standard level, language barrier – the list is endless with potential questions.

Our accommodation team have created a range of hotel options to fit every budget and experience to make it easy for you.

We understand The Olympics are the holiday of a lifetime so will have options to suit every requirement. Whether it’s a budget option simply so you can say ‘I was there’ or a luxury experience, there will be hotel options for all.

When you book with us, we take all the questions and unknown away. Our hotel experts are used to dealing with major global events and know what makes a special holiday – so trust them to make it a reality and as simple as possible.